In the event the cargo arrived in damaged abnormal condition , please 如在货物抵达时发现损坏异状,请注意:
An abnormal condition in which calcium salts are deposited in a part or tissue of the body 钙质沉着钙盐沉积于体内某一部件或组织的不正常状况
Research on expert system applied in substation abnormal condition processing is presented in this thesis 本文主要就变电异常处理专家系统的研究进行了介绍。
If abnormal condition is suspected , the maintenance party or the suppliermanufacturer should be contacted for examination 如发现有不正常情况,应召唤维修人员或供应商制
An audible and / or visible signal used to signify the existence of some error or abnormal condition in the system 由音响或显示设备发出的信号,用以表示系统出现了错误或异常情况。
The inlet steam pressure shall not exceed 110 percent of maximum pressure in maintaining these averages , except during abnormal conditions ?译为:进汽压力不得超过12个月运行期内的最大压力。
Where , following an abnormal condition , the removal of dust accumulations or layers cannot be assured , then the area is to be classified zone 21 如果不能保证排除可燃性粉尘堆积或粉尘层时,则应划分为21区。
This experiment carefully observed and recorded the phenomena and the operating parameter under normal and abnormal conditions 本实验对不同工况下,正常工作状态或异常情况下的实验现象和运行参数进行了仔细的观察和记录分析。
When positive and negative polarities are shorted , no damage and any hazard occur . once abnormal condition is removed , charger should keep working as usual 当充电器的正负极短路时,充电器都不能毁坏或有损伤,由短路恢复正常后,充电器应该正常工作